GESAMMELTE WERKE – Band [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 ]
A debt of gratitude is owed to David Vessey for first aggregating this bibliography. To suggest emendations, please contact Carlo DaVia.
Gesammelte Werke, Bd. 1, Hermeneutik I, Wahrheit und Methode: Grundzüge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1986).
- Wahrheit und Methode. Truth and Method, revised edition, trans. Joel Weinsheimer and Donald G. Marshall (New York: Bloomsbury, 2013).
Gesammelte Werke, Bd. 2, Hermeneutik II, Wahrheit und Methode: Ergänzungen, Register (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1986).
- ,Zwischen Phänomenologie und Dialektik: Versuch einer Selbstkritik (1985)’, S. 3-23. Integrated into “Reflections on My Philosophical Journey” in Hahn, Lewis, ed. The Philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer (Chicago: Open Court, 1997), 3-63.
- ,Das Problem der Geschichte in der neueren deutschen Philosophie (1943)’, S. 27-36.
- ,Wahrheit in den Geisteswissenschaften (1953)’, S. 37-43. “Truth In The Human Sciences” in Wachterhauser, Brice, ed. Hermeneutics and Truth (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1994), 25-32.
- ,Was ist Wahrheit? (1957)’, S. 44-56. “What is Truth?” in Hermeneutics and Truth, 33-46.
- ,Vom Zirkel des Verstehens (1959)’, S. 57-65. “On the Circle of Understanding “in Connolly, John and Keutner, Thomas, eds. Hermeneutics Versus Science?: Three German Views (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1988), 68-78.
- ,Die Natur der Sache und die Sprache der Dinge (1960)’, S. 66-76. “The Nature of Things and the Language of Things” in Philosophical Hermeneutics, 69-80.
- ,Begriffsgeschichte als Philosophie (1970)’, S. 77-91.
- ,Klassische und philosophische Hermeneutik (1968)’, S. 92-117. “Classical and Philosophical Hermeneutics” In The Gadamer Reader (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2007), 41-71.
- ,Zur Problematik des Selbstverständnisses: Ein hermeneutischer Beitrag zur Frage der »Entmythologisierung« (1961)’, S. 121-132. “On the Problem of Self Understanding” in Philosophical Hermeneutics, 44-58.
- ,Die Kontinuität der Geschichte und der Augenblick der Existenz (1965)’, S. 133-145. “The Continuity of History and The Existential Moment” in Philosophy Today 16:230-240 Fall 1972
- ,Mensch und Sprache (1966)’, S. 146-154. “Man and Language” in Philosophical Hermeneutics, 59-63.
- ,Über die Planung der Zukunft (1965)’, S. 155-173. “Notes on Planning for the Future” in Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education. Poetry and History: Applied Hermeneutics, 165-180.
- ,Semantik und Hermeneutik (1968)’, S. 174-183. “Semantics and Hermeneutics” in Philosophical Hermeneutics, 82-94.
- ,Sprache und Verstehen (1970)’, S. 184-198. “Language and Understanding” The Gadamer Reader, 89-107. Also in “Language and Understanding,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 141-152.
- ,Wie weit schreibt Sprache das Denken vor? (1970)’, S. 199-206. “To What Extent Does Language Preform Thought?” in Truth and Method, 568-575.
- ,Die Unfähigkeit zum Gespräch (1972)’, S. 207-215. “The Incapacity for Conversation” Continental Philosophy Review, 39:4 (2006).
- ,Die Universalität des hermeneutischen Problems (1966)’, S. 219-231. “The Universality of the Hermeneutical Problem” in Philosophical Hermeneutics, 3-16
- ,Rhetorik, Hermeneutik und Ideologiekritik: Metakritische Erörterungen zu »Wahrheit und Methode« (1967)’, S. 232-250. “On the Scope and Function of Hermeneutic Reflection” in Philosophical Hermeneutics, 18-42, and “Rhetoric, Hermeneutics and the Critique of Ideology” in Müller-Vollmer, Kurt, ed. The Hermeneutics Reader (Oxford: Blackwell, 1990), 274-292.
- ,Replik zu »Hermeneutik und Ideologiekritik« (1971)’, S. 251-275. “A Reply to My Critics” in Ormiston, Gayle and Schrift Alan, eds. The Hermeneutic Tradition: From Ast to Ricoeur (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990), 273-296.
- ,Rhetorik und Hermeneutik (1976)’, S. 276-291. “Rhetoric and Hermeneutics” in Walter Jost and Michael J. Hyde, eds. Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Our Time (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998), 45-59.
- ,Logik oder Rhetorik?: Nochmals zur Frühgeschichte der Hermeneutik (1976)’, S. 292-300.
- ,Hermeneutik als theoretische und praktische Aufgabe (1978)’, S. 301-318. “Hermeneutics as a Theoretical and Practical Task” in Reason in the Age of Science, 113-138.
- ,Probleme der praktischen Vernunft (1980)’, S. 319-329. “The Ideal of Practical Philosophy” in Praise of Theory, 50-61.
- ,Text und Interpretation (1983)’, S. 330-360. “Text and Interpretation” in Michelfelder, Diane and Palmer, Richard, eds. Dialogue and Deconstruction: The Gadamer-Derrida Encounter (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989) 21-50
- ,Destruktion und Dekonstruktion (1985)’, S. 361-372. “Destruktion and Deconstruction” in Dialogue and Deconstruction: The Gadamer-Derrida Encounter, l02-110.
- ,Exkurse I-VI (1960)’, S. 375-386. “Appendices I to VI” in Truth and Method, 515-527.
- ,Hermeneutik und Historismus (1965)’, S. 387-424. “Hermeneutics and Historicism” in Truth and Method, 528-567.
- ,Hermeneutik (1969)’, S. 425-436.
- ,Vorwort zur 2. Auflage (1965)’, S. 437-448. “Foreward to the Second Edition” in Truth and Method, xxv-xxxvii. “Foreword to The Second German Edition of Truth and Method” in Baynes, K. et. al., eds. After Philosophy: End or Transformation? (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1987), 339-350.
- ,Nachwort zur 3. Auflage (1972)’, S. 449-478. “Afterward” in Truth and Method, 576-606.
- ,Selbstdarstellung: Hans-Georg Gadamer *11.2.1900 (abgeschlossen 1975)’, S. 479-508 Integrated into “Reflections on My Philosophical Journey” in Hahn, Lewis, ed. The Philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer (Chicago: Open Court, 1997), 3-63.
Gesammelte Werke, Bd. 3, Neuere Philosophie I: Hegel / Husserl / Heidegger (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 1987).
- ,Hegel und die antike Dialektik (1961)’, S. 3-28. “Hegel and the Dialectic of The Ancient Philosophers” in Hegel’s Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies, 5-34.
- ,Die verkehrte Welt (1966)’, S. 29-46. “Hegel’s ‘Inverted World’” in Hegel’s Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies, 35-52.
- ,Die Dialektik des Selbstbewußtseins (1973)’, S. 47-64. “Hegel’s Dialectic of Self-Consciousness” in Hegel’s Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies, 54-74.
- ,Die Idee der Hegelschen Logik (1971)’, S. 65-86. “The Ideal Of Hegel’s Logic” in Hegel’s Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies, 75-98.
- ,Hegel und Heidegger (1971)’, S. 87-101. “Hegel and Heidegger” in Hegel’s Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies, l00-116.
- ,Die phänomenologische Bewegung (1963)’, S. 105-146. “The Phenomenological Movement” in Philosophical Hermenutics, 130-180.
- ,Die Wissenschaft von der Lebenswelt (1972)’, S. 147-159. “The Science of the Life-World” in Philosophical Hermeneutics, 182-196.
- ,Zur Aktualität der Husserlschen Phänomenologie (1974)’, S. 160-171. “On the Contemporary Relevance of Husserl’s Phenomenology” Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. I, 139-150.
- ,Existentialismus und Existenzphilosophie (1981)’, S. 175-185. “Existentialism and the Philosophy of Existence” in Heidegger’s Ways, 1-14.
- ,Martin Heidegger 75 Jahre (1964)’, S. 186-196. “Martin Heidegger—75 Years” in Heidegger’s Ways, 15-28.
- ,Die Marburger Theologie (1964)’, S. 197-208. “Martin Heidegger and the Marburg Theologians” in Philosophical Hermeneutics 1976, p=198-212 and “The Marburg Theology” in Heidegger’s Ways, 29-44.
- ,»Was ist Metaphysik?« (1978)’, S. 209-212. “What is Metaphysics?” in Heidegger’s Ways, 45-48.
- ,Kant und die hermeneutische Wendung (1975)’, S. 213-222. “Kant and the Hermeneutical Turn” in Heidegger’s Way, 49-60.
- ,Der Denker Martin Heidegger (1969)’, S. 223-228. “The Thinker Martin Heidegger” in Heidegger’s Ways, 61-68.
- ,Die Sprache der Metaphysik (1968)’, S. 229-237. “Heidegger and the Language of Metaphysics” in Philosophical Hermeneutics, 229-240 and in Heidegger’s Ways, 69-80.
- ,Plato (1976)’, S. 238-248. “Plato” in Heidegger’s Ways, 81-93.
- ,Die Wahrheit des Kunstwerks (1960)’, S. 249-261. “Heidegger’s Later Philosophy” in Philosophical Hermeneutics, 213-228 and “The Truth of the Work of Art” in Heidegger’s Ways, 95-110.
- ,Martin Heidegger – 85 Jahre (1974)’, S. 262-270. “Martin Heidegger —85 Years” in Heidegger’s Ways, 111-120.
- ,Der Weg in die Kehre (1979)’, S. 271-284. “The Way in the Turn” in Heidegger’s Ways, l21-138.
- ,Die Griechen (1979)’, S. 285-296. “The Greeks” in Heidegger’s Ways, 139-152
- ,Die Geschichte der Philosophie (1981)’, S. 297-307. “The History of Philosophy” in Heidegger’s Ways, 153-166.
- ,Die religiöse Dimension (1981)’, S. 308-319. “The Religious Dimension” in Heidegger’s Ways, 167-180.
- ,Sein Geist Gott (1977)’, S. 320-332. “Being, Spirit, God” in Heidegger’s Ways, 181-196.
- ,Gibt es auf Erden ein Maß? (W. Marx) (1984)’, S. 333-349.
- ,Ethos und Ethik (MacIntyre u.a.) (1985)’, S. 350-374.
- ,Vom Anfang des Denkens (1986)’, S. 375-393. “On the Beginning of Thought” in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, 227-246.
- ,Auf dem Rückgang zum Anfang (1986)’, S. 394-416. “On the Way Back to the Beginning” in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. I, 247-270.
- ,Der eine Weg Martin Heideggers (1986)’, S. 417-430. “Martin Heidegger’s One Path” in Kisiel, Theodore and Van Buren, John, eds. Reading Heidegger from the Start: Essays in His Earliest Thought (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994), 19-35.
Gesammelte Werke, Bd. 4, Neuere Philosophie II: Probleme/Gestalten (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1987).
- ,Die philosophischen Grundlagen des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts (1965)’, S. 3-22. “The Philosophical Foundations of The Twentieth Century” in Philosophical Hermeneutics, l07-128.
- ,Rationalität im Wandel der Zeiten (1979)’, S. 23-36. “Historical Transformations of Reason” in Geraets, Theodore, ed. Rationality Today: Proceedings of the International Symposium (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1979), 3-14.
- ,Lob der Theorie (1980)’, S. 37-51. “Praise of Theory” in Praise of Theory trans. Chris Dawson (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999), 16-36.
- ,Die Legitimität der Neuzeit (H. Blumenberg) (1968)’, S. 52-59.
- ,Neuzeit und Aufklärung (J. Mittelstrass) (1971)’, S. 60-67. “The History of Science and Practical Philosophy (review of J. Mittelstrass. Neuzeit und Aufklärung)” in Christensen, Darrell et. al., eds. Contemporary German Philosophy. Volume 3 (Philadelphia: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1983), 307-313.
- ,Die Philosophie und die Religion des Judentums (1961)’, S. 68-77. “The Philosophy and the Religion of Judaism” in Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education. Poetry and History: Applied Hermeneutics, 155-164.
- ,Die Begriffsgeschichte und die Sprache der Philosophie (1971)’, S. 78-94. “The History of Concepts and the Language of Philosophy” in International Studies In Philosophy 18(3):1-16 Fall 1986
- ,Spiel und Welt (E. Fink) (1961)’, S. 95-102. 5b. ,Liebe, Geschichte eines Begriffs (H. Kuhn) (1977)’, S. 103-106.
- ,Kausalität in der Geschichte? (1964)’, S. 107-116. “Is There a Causality in History?” in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. I, 3-12.
- ,Die Zeitanschauung des Abendlandes (1977)’, S. 119-136. “The Western View Of the Inner Experience of Time and the Limits of Thought” in Time and The Philosophers. Paris: UNESCO, 1977, 33-48.
- ,Über leere und erfüllte Zeit (1969)’, S. 137-153. “Concerning Empty and Full-filled Time“ in Southern Journal Of Philosophy 8:341-352 Winter 1970, and in Ballard, E. and Scott, C., eds. Martin Heidegger in Europe and America (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1973), 77-89.
- ,Das Alte und das Neue (1981)’, S. 154-160. “The Old and the New” in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. I, 51-58.
- ,Der Tod als Frage (1975)’, S. 161-172. “Death as a Question” in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. I, 59-72.
- ,Über die Möglichkeit einer philosophischen Ethik (1963)’, S. 175-188. “On the Possibility of a Philosophical Ethics” in Hermeneutics, Religion, Ethics tr. Joel Weinsheimer (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1999), 18-36.
- ,Das ontologische Problem des Wertes (1971)’, S. 189-202. “The Ontological Problem of Value” in Hermeneutics, Religion, Ethics, 58-75.
- ,Wertethik und praktische Philosophie (1982)’, S. 203-215. “The Ethics of Value and Practical Philosophy” in Hermeneutics, Religion, Ethics, 103-118.
- ,Was ist Praxis?: Die Bedingungen gesellschaftlicher Vernunft (1974)’, S. 216-228. “What is Practice? The Conditions of Social Reason” in Reason in the Age of Science, 69-86.
- ,Begegnung mit dem Sein (H. Kuhn) (1954)’, S. 229-233.
- ,Ich und Du (K. Löwith) (1929)’, S. 234-239. 15. ,Theorie, Technik, Praxis (1972)’, S. 243-266. “Theory, Technology, Practice: The Task Of the Science” in The Enigma of Health: The Art of Healing in a Scientific Age, 1-30.
- ,Apologie der Heilkunst (1965)’, S. 267-275. “Apologia for the Art of Healing” in The Enigma of Health: The Art of Healing in a Scientific Age, 31-44.
- ,Philosophische Bemerkungen zum Problem der Intelligenz (1964)’, S. 276-287. “The Problem of Intelligence” in The Enigma of Health: The Art of Healing in a Scientific Age, 45-60.
- ,Die Erfahrung des Todes (1983)’, S. 288-294. “The Experience of Death” in The Enigma of Health: The Art of Healing in a Scientific Age, 61-69.
- ,Nikolaus Cusanus und die Gegenwart (1964)’, S. 297-305. “Nicolaus Cusanus and the Present” Epoche 7/1 (2002), 71-79.
- ,Oetinger als Philosoph (1964)’, S. 306-317.
- ,Herder und die geschichtliche Welt (1967)’, S. 318-335.
- ,Kants »Kritik der reinen Vernunft« nach 200 Jahren: »Von hier und heute geht eine neue Epoche der Weltgeschichte aus« (1981)’, S. 336-348. “A New Epoch in the History of the World Begins Here and Now” in Kennington, Richard, ed. The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1985), 1-14
- ,Kant und die Gottesfrage (1941)’, S. 349-360. “Kant and the Question of God” in Hermeneutics, Religion, Ethics tr. Joel Weinsheimer (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1999), 1-17.
- ,Das Problem der Sprache bei Schleiermacher (1968)’, S. 361-373. The Problem of Language in Schleiermacher’s Hermeneutics in Journal For Theology And The Church 7 (1970), 68-95.
- ,Schleiermacher als Platoniker (1969)’, S. 374-383.
- ,Hegel und der geschichtliche Geist (1939)’, S. 384-394. 27. ,Hegel und die Heidelberger Romantik (1961)’, S. 395-405.
- ,Das Problem Diltheys: Zwischen Romantik und Positivismus (1984)’, S. 406-424. “The Problem of Dilthey: Between Romanticism and Positivism” in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. I, 73-90.
- ,Wilhelm Dilthey zu seinem 100. Geburtstag (1933)’, S. 425-428. 28b. ,Der Unvollendete und das Unvollendbare: Zum 150. Geburtstag von Wilhelm Dilthey (1983)’, S. 429-435.
- ,Dilthey und Ortega: Philosophie des Lebens (1985)’, S. 436-447. “Dilthey and Ortega: The Philosophy of Life” in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. I, 91-102.
- ,Nietzsche – der Antipode: Das Drama Zarathustras (1984)’, S. 448-462. “The Drama of Zarathustra” in Gillespie, Michael and Strong, Tracey, eds. Nietzsche’s New Seas: Explorations in Philosophy, Aesthetics and Politics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988), 220-231.
- ,Das Erbe Hegels (1980)’, S. 463-483. “The Heritage of Hegel” in Reason in the Age of Science, 38-68.
Gesammelte Werke, Bd. 5, Griechische Philosophie I (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1985).
- ,Platos dialektische Ethik: Phänomenologische Interpretationen zum Philebos (1931)’, S. 3-163. Plato’s Dialectical Ethics.
- ,Aus dem Vorwort zur ersten Auflage (1931)’, S. 158-159.
- ,Aus dem Vorwort zur zweiten Auflage (1967)’, S. 159-160.
- ,Aus dem Vorwort zum Neudruck der ersten Auflage (1982)’, S. 160-163.
- ,Der aristotelische »Protreptikos« und die entwicklungsgeschichtliche Betrachtung der aristotelischen Ethik (1927)’, S. 164-186. “Aristotle’s Protrepticus in Consideration of the Historical Development of Aristotle’s Ethics'” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 9-26.
- ,Plato und die Dichter (1934)’, S. 187-211. “Plato and the Poets” in Dialogue and Dialectic: Eight Hermeneutical Studies on Plato, 39-72.
- ,Die neue Platoforschung (1933)’, S. 212-229.
- ,Praktisches Wissen (1930)’, S. 230-248.
- ,Platos Staat der Erziehung (1942)’, S. 249-262. “Plato’s Educational State” in Dialogue and Dialectic: Eight Hermeneutical Studies on Plato, 73-92.
- ,Antike Atomtheorie (1935)’, S. 263-279. “Ancient Atomic Theory” in Beginning of Knowledge, 82-101.
- Book Reviews: Zur griechischen Metaphysik, S. 283-315.
- W.D. Ross, Aristotle’s Metaphysics, A revised text with introduction and commentary, Oxford, 1924. (1929), S. 283-285.
- Werner Jaeger, Aristoteles: Grundlegung einer Geschichte seiner Entwicklung, Berlin, 1923. (1928), S. 286-294.
- Julius Stenzel, Metaphysik des Altertums, (Handbuch der Philosophie, hrsg. von A. Baeumler u. M. Schröter), R. Oldenburg, München/Berlin, 1929. (1929), S. 294-300.
- Harald Schilling, Das Ethos der Mesotes: Eine Studie zur Nikomachischen Ethik des Aristoteles, (Heidelberger Abhandlungen zur Philosophie und ihrer Geschichte 22.), Mohr, Tübingen, 1930. (1932), S. 300-303.
- Ernesto Grassi, Il problema della metafisica Platonica, Bari, Laterza & Figli, 1932. (1933), S. 304-310. Ernesto Grassi, Vom Vorrang des Logos: Das Problem der Antike in der Auseinandersetzung zwischen italienischer und deutscher Philosophie, München, C.H. Beck, 1939. (1940), S. 310-315.
- Sokrates, S. 316-326.
- Erwin Wolff, Platos »Apologie«, (Neue philologische Untersuchungen, hrsg. von W. Jaeger, 6.Heft), Berlin, 1929. (1931), S. 316-322.
- Helmut Kuhn, Sokrates: Ein Versuch über den Ursprung der Metaphysik, Berlin, Die Runde, 1934. (1936), S. 322-326.
- Plato als politischer Denker, S. 327-340.
- Günter Rohr, Platons Stellung zur Geschichte: Eine methodologische Interpretationsstudie, (Episteme: Arbeiten z. Philos. u. zu ihren Grenzgebieten. hrsg. v. N. Hartmann / R. Kroner / J. Stenzel, H. 1), Berlin, Junker & Dünnhaupt, 1932. (1932), S. 327-331.
- Kurt Hildebrandt, Platon, der Kampf des Geistes um die Macht, Berlin, G. Bondi, 1933. (1935), S. 331-338.
- M.B. Foster, The Political Philosophies of Plato and Hegel, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1935. (1936), S. 338-340.
- Zur platonischen Dialektik, S. 341-349.
- Hermann Langerbeck, ΔΟΞΙΣ ΕΠΙΡΨΣΜΙΗ: Studien zu Demokrits Ethik und Erkenntnislehre, (Neue philologische Untersuchungen, 10. Heft, 1935). (1936), S. 341-343.
- W.F.R. Hardie, A Study in Plato, Oxford: Clarendon Press; London: H. Milford, 1936. (1938), S. 343-346.
- Gerold Prauss, Platon und der logische Eleatismus, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 1966. (1974), S. 346-348.
- Paul Stöcklein, Über die philosophische Bedeutung von Platons Mythen, (Philologus, Suppl. Bd. 30, H. 3), Leipzig, Dieterich, 1937. (1939), S. 349.
- Zur geistigen Überlieferung, S. 350-363.
- Alfred Körte, Der Begriff des Klassischen in der Antike, (Ber. über die Verhandl. der Sächs. Akademie der Wissensch. zu Leipzig. Phil.-hist. Kl. 86, 1934, 3.), Leipzig, Hirzel, 1934. (1935), S. 350-351.
- Klaus Reich, Kant und die Ethik der Griechen, (Philosophie und Geschichte. 56), Tübingen, Mohr, 1935. (1938), S. 351-353.
- Hans Rose, Klassik als künstlerische Denkform des Abendlandes, München, Beck, 1937. (1940), S. 353-356.
- Geistige Überlieferung: Ein Jahrbuch, in Verbindung mit Walter F. Otto und Karl Reinhardt, hrsg. von Ernesto Grassi, Berlin, Küpper (vorm. Bondi), 1940. (1943), S. 357-363.
- ,Platos dialektische Ethik: Phänomenologische Interpretationen zum Philebos (1931)’, S. 3-163. Plato’s Dialectical Ethics.
Gesammelte Werke, Bd. 6, Griechische Philosophie II (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1985).
- ,Die griechische Philosophie und das moderne Denken (1978)’, S. 3-8. “Greek Philosophy and Modern Thought” in Beginning of Knowledge, 119-126.
- ,Zur Vorgeschichte der Metaphysik (1950)’, S. 9-29.
- ,Das Lehrgedicht des Parmenides, S. 30-57.
- ,Kurt Riezlers Parmenidesdeutung (1936)’, S. 30-38.
- ,Retraktionen (1952)’, S. 38-49.
- ,Nachwort zu Riezlers Deutung (1970)’, S. 49-57.
- ,Platon und die Vorsokratiker (1964)’, S. 58-70. “Plato and Presocratic Cosmology” in Beginning of Knowledge, 102-118.
- ,Amicus Plato magis amica veritas (1968)’, S. 71-89. “Amicus Plato Magis Amica Veritas” in Dialogue and Dialectic: Eight Hermeneutical Studies on Plato, 194-218.
- ,Dialektik und Sophistik im siebenten Platonischen Brief (1964)’, S. 90-115. “Dialectic and Sophism in Plato’s ‘Seventh Letter’” in Dialogue and Dialectic: Eight Hermeneutical Studies on Plato, 93-122.
- ,Vorgestalten der Reflexion (1966)’, S. 116-128.
- ,Platos ungeschriebene Dialektik (1968)’, S. 129-153. “Plato’s Unwritten Dialectic” in Dialogue and Dialectic: Eight Hermeneutical Studies on Plato, 124-154.
- ,Über das Göttliche im frühen Denken der Griechen (1970)’, S. 154-170. “On the Divine in Early Greek Thought” in Hermeneutics, Religion, Ethics, 37-57.
- ,Logos und Ergon im platonischen »Lysis« (1972)’, S. 171-186. “‘Logos’ and ‘Ergon’ in Plato’s Lysis” in Dialogue and Dialectic: Eight Hermeneutical Studies on Plato, 1-20.
- ,Die Unsterblichkeitsbeweise in Platos »Phaidon« (1973)’, S. 187-200. “The Proofs of Immortality in Plato’s Phaedo” in Dialogue and Dialectic: Eight Hermeneutical Studies on Plato, 21-38.
- ,Gibt es die Materie?: Eine Studie zur Begriffsbildung in Philosophie und Wissenschaft (1973)’, S. 201-217.
- ,Das Vaterbild im griechischen Denken (1976)’, S. 218-231.
- ,Vom Anfang bei Heraklit (1974)’, S. 232-241. “On the Tradition of Heraclitus” in Beginning of Knowledge, 21-32.
- ,Idee und Wirklichkeit in Platos »Timaios« (1974)’, S. 242-270. “Idea and Reality in Plato’s Timeaus” in Dialogue and Dialectic: Eight Hermeneutical Studies on Plato, 156-192.
- ,Philosophie und Philologie: Über Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff (1982)’, S. 271-277.
- ,Schein und Sein: Zum Tode von Karl Reinhardt (1958)’, S. 278-284.
- ,Die Krise des Helden: Zum Gedenken an Karl Reinhardt nach zehn Jahren (1966)’, S. 285-291.
- ,Zur Aktualität von Hellas’, S. 295-301.
Gesammelte Werke, Bd. 7, Griechische Philosophie III, Plato im Dialog (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1991).
- ,Parmenides oder das Diesseits des Seins (1988)’, S. 3-31.
- ,Hegel und Heraklit (1990)’, S. 32-42.
- ,Heraklit-Studien (1990)’, S. 43-82. “Heraclitus Studies” in Beginning of Knowledge, 33-81.
- ,Sokrates’ Frömmigkeit des Nichtwissens (1990)’, S. 83-117. “Religion and Religiosity in Socrates” in Proceedings Of The Boston Area Colloquium In Ancient Philosophy, 1 (1986), 53-75.
- ,»Platos dialektische Ethik« – beim Wort genommen (1989)’, S. 121-127.
- ,Die Idee des Guten zwischen Plato und Aristoteles (1978)’, S. 128-227. The Idea of the Good in Platonic-Aristotelian Philosophy, translated by P. Christopher Smith (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1986).
- ,Plato als Porträtist (1988)’, S. 228-257. “Plato as Portratist” in Continental Philosophy Review, 33/3 (2000), 245-274.
- ,Unterwegs zur Schrift? (1983)’, S. 258-269. “On the Way to Writing,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 183-192.
- ,Platos Denken in Utopien: Ein Vortrag vor Philologen (1983)’, S. 270-289.
- ,Mathematik und Dialektik bei Plato (1982)’, S. 290-312.
- ,Der platonische »Parmenides« und seine Nachwirkung (1983)’, S. 313-327. “Plato’s Parmenides and Its Influence” in Dionysius 7 (1983), 3-16.
- ,Zur platonischen »Erkenntnistheorie« (1988)’, S. 328-337.
- ,Dialektik ist nicht Sophistik: Theätet lernt das im »Sophistes« (1990)’, S. 338-369.
- ,Die sokratische Frage und Aristoteles (1990)’, S. 373-380. “The Socratic Question and Aristotle,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 3-8. Also in Continental Philosophy Review (2015) 48:95–102.
- ,Aristoteles und die imperativische Ethik (1989)’, S. 381-395. “Aristotle and Imperative Ethics” in Hermeneutics, Religion, Ethics, 142-161.
- ,Freundschaft und Selbsterkenntnis: Zur Rolle der Freundschaft in der griechischen Ethik (1985)’, S. 396-406. “Friendship and Self-Knowledge: Reflections on the Role of Friendship in Greek Ethics” in Hermeneutics, Religion, Ethics, 128-141.
- ,Denken als Erlösung: Plotin zwischen Plato und Augustin (1980)’, S. 407-417. “Thinking as Redemption: Plotinus between Plato and Augustine” in Hermeneutics, Religion, Ethics, 76-90.
- ,Natur und Welt: Die hermeneutische Dimension in Naturerkenntnis und Naturwissenschaft’, S. 418-442.
Gesammelte Werke, Bd. 8, Ästhetik und Poetik I: Kunst als Aussage (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck), 1993.
- ,Ästhetik und Hermeneutik (1964)’, S. 1-8. “Aesthetics and Hermeneutics” in Philosophical Hermeneutics, 95-104.
- ,Zur Fragwürdigkeit des ästhetischen Bewußtseins (1958)’, S. 9-17. “On the Problematic Character of Aesthetic Consciousness” in the Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 9/1 (1982), 31-40.
- ,Dichten und Deuten (1961)’, S. 18-24. “Composition and Interpretation” in The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays, 66-72.
- ,Kunst und Nachahmung (1967)’, S. 25-36. Art and Imitation in The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays, 92-104.
- ,Von der Wahrheit des Wortes (1971)’, S. 37-57. “On the Truth of the Word” in Schmidt, Lawrence, ed. The Specter of Relativism: Truth. Dialogue and Phronesis in Philosophical Hermeneutics. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1995, 135-158.
- ,Zu Poetik und Hermeneutik (1968/1971)’, S.58-69. Lyrik als Paradigma der Moderne (1968), S. 58-64. Die nicht mehr schönen Künste (1971), S. 65-69. “On Poetics and hermeneutics,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 55-64.
- ,Über den Beitrag der Dichtkunst bei der Suche nach der Wahrheit (1971)’, S. 70-79. “On the Contribution of Poetry to the Search for Truth” in The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays, 105- 115.
- ,Dichtung und Mimesis (1972)’, S. 80-85. “Poetry and Mimesis” in The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays, 116-122.
- ,Das Spiel der Kunst (1977)’, S. 86-93. “The Play of Art” in The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays, 123-130.
- ,Die Aktualität des Schönen: Kunst als Spiel, Symbol und Fest (1974)’, S. 94-142. “The Relevance of the Beautiful” in The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays, 1-56.
- ,Ästhetische und religiöse Erfahrung (1964/78)’, S. 143-155. “Aesthetic and Religious Experience” in The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays, 140-154.
- ,Reflexionen über das Verhältnis von Religion und Wissenschaft (1984)’, S. 156-162. “Refections on the Relation of Religion and Science” in Hermeneutics, Religion, Ethics, 119-127.
- ,Mythos und Vernunft (1954)’, S. 163-169.
- ,Mythos und Logos (1981)’, S. 170-173.
- ,Mythologie und Offenbarungsreligion (1981)’, S. 174-179.
- ,Der Mythos im Zeitalter der Wissenschaft (1981)’, S. 180-188. “Myth in the Age of Science” in Hermeneutics, Religion, Ethics, 91-102.
- ,Anschauung und Anschaulichkeit (1980)’, S. 189-205. “Intuition and Vividness” in The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays, 155- 170.
- ,Ende der Kunst?: Von Hegels Lehre vom Vergangenheitscharakter der Kunst bis zur Anti-Kunst von heute (1985)’, S. 206-220. “The End of Art? From Hegel’s Doctrine of the {astness of Art the Anti-art of Today,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 65-76.
- ,Die Stellung der Poesie im System der Hegelschen Ästhetik und die Frage des Vergangenheitscharakters der Kunst (1986)’, S. 221-231. “The Place of Poetry in the System of Hegelian Aesthetics and the Question of the Pastness of Art,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 77-85.
- ,Philosophie und Poesie (1977)’, S. 232-239. “Philosophy and Poetry” in The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays, 131-139.
- ,Philosophie und Literatur (1981)’, S. 240-257. “Philosophy and Literature:” in Man And World 18(2):241-259 1985.
- ,Stimme und Sprache (1981)’, S. 258-270. “Voice and Language,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 193-202.
- ,Hören – Sehen – Lesen (1984)’, S. 271-278. Hearing- Seeing- Reading in Language And Communication 10(1):87-92 1990. Also “Hearing – Seeing – Reading,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 203-209.
- ,Lesen ist wie Übersetzen (1989)’, S. 279-285. “Reading is Like Translating,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 211-216.
- ,Der »eminente« Text und seine Wahrheit (1986)’, S. 286-295. “The Eminent Text and its Truth” in Bulletin Of The Midwest Modern Language Association 13(1):3-10 February 1980 and in Hernadi, Paul, ed. The Horizon of Literature. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1982.
- ,Über die Festlichkeit des Theaters (1954)’, S. 296-304. “The Festive Character of the Theater” in The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays, 57-65.
- ,Begriffene Malerei? – Zu A. Gehlen: Zeit-Bilder (1962)’, S. 305-314. “Conceptual Painting? On Arnold Gehlen’s Time-Pictures,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 87-94.
- ,Vom Verstummen des Bildes (1965)’, S. 315-322. “The Speechless Image” in The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays, 83-91.
- ,Bild und Gebärde (1967)’, S. 323-330. “Image and Gesture” in The Relevence of the Beautiful und Other Essays, 74-82.
- ,Über das Lesen von Bauten und Bildern (1979)’, S. 331-338. “On the Reading of Buildings and Paintings,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 95-100.
- ,Die Vielfalt der Sprachen und das Verstehen der Welt: Ein Studium-generale-Vortrag (1990)’, S. 339-349.
- ,Grenzen der Sprache (1985)’, S. 350-361. “Boundaries of Language” in Language and Linguisticality in Gadamer’s Hermeneutics ed. Lawrence K. Schmidt Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2000. pp. 9-18.
- ,Musik und Zeit: Ein philosophisches Postscriptum (1988)’, S. 362-365.
- ,Heimat und Sprache (1992)’, S. 366-372. “Homeland and Language,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 177-181.
- ,Wort und Bild – »so wahr, so seiend« (1992)’, S.373-399. “The Artwork in Word and Image—so true, so full of Being!” in The Gadamer Reader, 192-226.
- ,Zur Phänomenologie von Ritual und Sprache (1992)’, S. 400-440. “Towards a Phenomenology of Ritual and Language” in Schmidt, Lawrence K. ed. Language and Linguisticality in Gadamer’s Hermeneutics. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2000. pp. 19-50.
Gesammelte Werke, Bd. 9, Ästhetik und Poetik II: Hermeneutik im Vollzug (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck), 1993.
- ,Hölderlin und die Antike (1943)’, S. 1-19. “Hölderlin and Antiquity” in Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue: Essays in German Literary Theory, 67-86
- ,Hölderlin und das Zukünftige (1947)’, S. 20-38. “Hölderlin and the Future” in Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue: Essays in German Literary Theory, 87-108
- ,Die Gegenwärtigkeit Hölderlins (1983)’, S. 39-41.
- ,Dichten und Denken im Spiegel von Hölderlins »Andenken« (1987)’, S. 42-55. “Poetizing and Thinking as reflected through Holderlin’s Remembrance,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 101-111.
- ,Goethe und die Philosophie (1947)’, S. 56-71. “Goethe and Philosophy” in Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue: Essays in German Literary Theory, 1-20.
- ,Goethe und die sittliche Welt (1949)’, S. 72-79. “Goethe and the Moral World” in Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue: Essays in German Literary Theory, 21-30.
- ,Vom geistigen Lauf des Menschen: Studien zu unvollendeten Dichtungen Goethes (1949)’, S. 80-111. “On the Course of Human Spiritual Development: Studies of Goethe’s Unfinished Writings” in Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue: Essays in German Literary Theory, 31-6.
- ,Goethe und Mozart – das Problem Oper (1991)’, S. 112-121. “Goethe and Mozart – The problem of Opera,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 113-120.
- ,Das Türmerlied in Goethes »Faust« (1982)’, S. 122-127. “The Lynceus Tower Song in Goethe’s Faust,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 121-125.
- ,Die Natürlichkeit von Goethes Sprache: Ein Kongreßbeitrag (1985)’, S. 128-141. “What Makes Goethe’s Language Natural? A Congress Contribution,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 127-137.
- ,Bach und Weimar (1946)’, S. 142-149. “Bach and Weimar” in Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue: Essays in German Literary Theory, 109-118.
- ,Prometheus und die Tragödie der Kultur (1946)’, S. 150-161.
- ,Der Gott des innersten Gefühls (1961)’, S. 162-170. “The God of Most Intimate Feeling” in Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue: Essays in German Literary Theory, 119-130
- ,Vergänglichkeit (1991)’, S. 171-179.
- ,Karl Immermanns »Chiliastische Sonette« (1949)’, S. 180-192.
- ,Zu Immermanns Epigonen-Roman (1964)’, S. 193-206.
- ,Gesang Weylas (1989)’, S. 207-210.
- ,Der Dichter Stefan George (1968)’, S. 211-228.
- ,Hölderlin und George (1971)’, S. 229-244. “Hölderlin and George” in Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education. Poetry and History: Applied Hermeneutics, 93-110.
- ,Ich und du die selbe Seele (1977)’, S. 245-248.
- ,Der Vers und das Ganze (1979)’, S. 249-257. “The Verse and the Whole” in Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education. Poetry and History: Applied Hermeneutics, 83-92
- ,Die Wirkung Stefan Georges auf die Wissenschaft (1983)’, S. 258-270.
- ,Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins: Zu dem Buch von Romano Guardini (1955)’, S. 271-281. “Rainer Maria Rilke’s Interpretation of of Existence: On The Book by Romano Guardini” in Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue: Essays in German Literary Theory, 139-152.
- ,Poesie und Interpunktion (1961)’, S. 282-288. “Poetry and Punctuation” in Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue: Essays in German Literary Theory, 131-138.
- ,Mythopoietische Umkehrung in Rilkes Duineser Elegien (1967)’, S. 289-305. “Mythopoetical Reversal in Rilke’s Duino Elegies” in Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue: Essays in German Literary Theory, 153-172
- ,Rainer Maria Rilke nach fünfzig Jahren (1976)’, S. 306-319.
- ,Hilde Domin, Lied zur Ermutigung II (1966)’, S. 320-322.
- ,Hilde Domin, Dichterin der Rückkehr (1971)’, S. 323-328. “Hilda Domin, Poet of Return” in The Denver Quarterly 6 (1972), 7-17.
- ,Die Höhe erreichen: Hilde Domins Frankfurter Poetik-Vorlesungen (1988)’, S. 329-334.
- ,Gedicht und Gespräch: Überlegungen zu einer Textprobe Ernst Meisters (1988)’, S. 335-346.
- ,Ernst Meister, Gedenken V (1977)’, S. 347-348.
- ,Denken im Gedicht (1990)’, S. 349-352.
- ,Kafka und Kramm (1991)’, S. 353-361.
- ,Verstummen die Dichter? (1970)’, S. 362-366. “Are the Poets Falling Silent?” in Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education. Poetry and History: Applied Hermeneutics, 73-82.
- ,Im Schatten des Nihilismus (1990)’, S. 367-382.
- ,Wer bin Ich und wer bist Du?: Kommentar zu Celans Gedichtfolge »Atemkristall« (1986)’, S. 383-451. “Who Am I and Who Are You?” in Gadamer on Celan, 67-126.
- ,Sinn und Sinnverhüllung bei Paul Celan (1975)’, S. 452-460. “Meaning and Concealment of Meaning” in Gadamer on Celan, 167-178.
- ,Phänomenologischer und semantischer Zugang zu Celan? (1991)’, S. 461-469. “A Phenomenological and Semantic Approach to Celan?” in Gadamer on Celan, 179-188.
Gesammelte Werke, Bd. 10: Hermeneutik im Rückblick (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 1995).
- ,Erinnerungen an Heideggers Anfänge (1986)’, S. 3-13. “Remembering Heidegger’s Beginnings” in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, 209-220.
- ,Heidegger und die Sprache (1990)’, S. 14-30. “Heidegger and Language,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 163-176.
- ,Heidegger und die Griechen (1990)’, S. 31-45. “Heidegger and the Greeks,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 27-38.
- ,Heidegger und die Soziologie: Bourdieu und Habermas (1979/85)’, S. 46-57. “Heidegger and Sociology (Bourdieu and Habermas)” in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. I, 167-178.
- ,Hermeneutik und ontologische Differenz (1989)’, S. 58-70. “Hermeneutics and Ontological Difference” in The Gadamer Reader, 346-371.
- ,Die Kehre des Weges (1985)’, S. 71-75. “The Turn in the Path” in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, 221-226.
- ,Denken und Dichten bei Heidegger und Hölderlin (1988)’, S.76-83. “Thinking and Poetizing in Heidegger and Hölderlin’s ‘Andenken’” in Risser, J., ed. Heidegger Towards the Turn: Essays on the Work of the 1930s (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996), 145-162.
- ,Subjektivität und Intersubjektivität, Subjekt und Person(1975)’, S. 87-99. “Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity, Subject and Person” in Continental Philosophy Review Vol. 33, No. 3 July 2000. pp. 275-287 also in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol I, 125-138.
- ,Phänomenologie, Hermeneutik, Metaphysik (1983)’, S. 100-109. “Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Metaphysics” in Journal Of The British Society For Phenomenology 25/2 (1994), 104-110.
- ,»Das Sein und das Nichts«(J.P. Sartre) (1989)’, S. 110-124. Being and Nothingness(J.P. Sartre) in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol I, 151-166.
- ,Frühromantik, Hermeneutik, Dekonstruktivismus (1987)’, S. 125-137. “Hermeneutics and Logocentrism” in Dialogue und Deconstruction: The Gadamer-Derrida Encounter, 114-128.
- ,Dekonstruktion und Hermeneutik (1988)’, S. 138-147.
- ,Hermeneutik auf der Spur (1994)’, S. 148-174. “Hermeneutics Tracking the Trace [On Derrida]” in The Gadamer Reader, 372- 408. Also “Hermeneutics on the Trail,” in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy, 179-208. Also “Hermeneutics on the Trail,” in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. I, 179-208.
- ,Die Grenzen der historischen Vernunft (1949)’, S. 175-178.
- ,Vom Wandel in den Geisteswissenschaften (1985)’, S. 179-184
- ,Die Hermeneutik und die Dilthey-Schule (1991)’, S. 185-205. “Hermeneutics and the Diltheyan School” in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. I, 103-124.
- ,Geschichte des Universums und Geschichtlichkeit des Menschen (1988)’, S. 206-222. “The History of the Universe and the Historicity of the Human Beings” in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. I, 25-42.
- ,Bürger zweier Welten (1985)’, S. 225-237. “Citizen of Two Worlds” in Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education. Poetry and History: Applied Hermeneutics, 209-220.
- ,Die Idee der praktischen Philosophie (1983)’, S. 238-246. “The Ideal of Practical Philosophy” in Praise of Theory trans. Chris Dawson. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999 51-62. Also “The Idea of Practical Philosophy,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 39-45.
- ,Geschichtlichkeit und Wahrheit (1991)’, S. 247-258. “Historicity and Truth” in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. I, 13-24.
- ,Vernunft und praktische Philosophie (1986)’, S. 259-266. “Reason and Practical Philosophy,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 47-52.
- Europa und die Oikoumene (1993)’, S. 267-284.
- ,Über die Ursprünglichkeit der Wissenschaft (1947)’, S. 287-294. “On the Primordiality of Science: A Rectoral Address” in Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education, Poetry and History: Applied Hermeneutics, 15-22.
- ,Zum 300. Geburtstag von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: Festrede an der Universität Leipzig (1946/90)’, S. 295-307.
- ,Die Stellung der Philosophie in der heutigen Gesellschaft (1967)’, S. 308-316.
- ,Welt ohne Geschichte? (1972)’, S. 317-323. “A World Without History?” in Hermeneutics between History and Philosophy: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. I, 43-50.
- ,Historik und Sprache (1987)’, S. 324-330. “The Theory of History and Language,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 153-158.
- ,Von Lehrenden und Lernenden (1986)’, S. 331-335. “Of Teachers and Learners,” in Ethics, Aesthetics and the Historical Dimension of Language: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, vol. II, 159-162.
- ,Die Universität Heidelberg und die Geburt der modernen Wissenschaft (1986)’, S. 336-345. “University of Heidelberg and the Birth Of Modern Science” in Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education. Poetry and History: Applied Hermeneutics, 37-46.
- ,Mit der Sprache denken (1990)’, S. 346-353.
- ,Schreiben und Reden (1983)’, S. 254-255.
- ,Die deutsche Philosophie zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen (1987)’, S. 356-372.
- Philosophische Begegnungen, S. 373-440. in Philosophical Apprenticeships.
- ,Paul Natorp’, S. 375-380.
- ,Max Scheler’, S. 380-387.
- ,Rudolf Bultmann’, S. 387-392.
- ,Karl Jaspers’, S. 392-400.
- ,Hans Lipps’, S. 400-403.
- ,Paul Friedländer’, S. 403-405.
- ,Erich Frank’, S. 405-412.
- ,Gerhard Krüger’, S. 412-417.
- ,Karl Löwith’, S. 418-423.
- ,Thrasyboulos Georgiades’, S. 423-426.
- ,Fritz Kaufmann’, S. 426-432.
- ,Emilio Betti’, S. 432-437.
- ,Bruno Snell’, S. 437-440.
Hermeneutische Entwürfe: Vorträge und Aufsätze (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2000)
- “Hermeneutik: Theorie und Praxis” (1996), S. 3-11.
- “Wissenschaft und Philosophie” (1976), S. 12-25.
- “Humanismus und die industrielle Revolution” (1988), S. 26-34.
- “Über die politische Inkompetenz der Philosophie” (1988), S. 35-41. “On the Political Incompetence of Philosophy” in The Heidegger Case, eds. Tom Rockmore and Joe Margolis (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1992), 364-9.
- “Hermeneutik und Autorität: Eine Bilanz” (1992), S. 43-47.
- “Über das Hören” (1998), S. 48-55.
- “Freundschaft und Solidarität” (1999), S. 56-65. “Friendship and Solidarity” in Research in Phenomenology 39 (1):3-12 (2009).
- “Die Philosophie und ihre Geschichte” (1998), S. 69-96.
- “Die Gegenwartsbedeutung der griechischen Philosophie” (1972), S. 97-111. “The Relevance of Greek Philosophy for Modern Thought” in South African Journal Of Philosophy 6(2):39-42, May 1987.
- “Die Zukunft der europäischen Geisteswissenschaften” (1983), S. 112-128. The Future of the European Humanities in Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education, Poetry and History: Applied Hermeneutics, 193-208.
- “Über Kuno Fischer als Brücke zu Hegel in Italien” (1997), S. 129-133.
- “Nietzsche und die Metaphysik” (1999), S. 134-142.
- “Der Kunstbegriff im Wandel” (1985), S. 145-160.
- “Die Kunst und die Medien” (1989), S. 161-175.
- “Kunst und ihre Kreise” (1989), S. 176-180.
- “Kunst und Kosmologie” (1990), S. 181-191.
- “Heidegger und das Ende der Philosophie” (1989), S. 195-207. “The Beginning and the End of Philosophy” in Macann, C., ed. Martin Heidegger: Critical Assessments (London: Routledge, 1989), 16-28.
- “Danken und Gedenken” (1991), S. 208-213.
- “Wissen zwischen gestern und morgen” (1998), S. 214-223.
- “Ein »sokratischer« Dialog” (1965), S. 227-233.
- “Goethe und Heraklit” (1999), S. 234-237.
- “Nausikaa” (1994), S. 238-242.
Vernunft im Zeitalter der Wissenschaft (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1976)
Lob der Theorie: Reden und Aufsätze (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1983)
Über die Verborgenheit der Gesundheit (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1993)
“Anxiety and Anxieties” (lecture to the Heidelberg Colloquium on the Problem of Anxiety, 1990) in The Enigma of Health: The Art of Healing in a Scientific Age, 152-162.
“Articulating Transcendence” in Lawrence, Fred, ed. The Beginning and the Beyond: Papers from the Gadamer and Voegelin Conferences. Chico, CA: Scholars Prees, 1984, p 1-12
“Authority and Critical Freedom” (“Über den Zusammenhang von Autoritat und kritischer Freibeit”, Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie 133(1):11-16 1983) in The Enigma of Health: The Art of Healing in a Scientific Age, 117-124.
“Back from Syracuse?” (“Oberflachlichkeit und Unkenntnis: Zur Veroffantlichung von Victor Farias” in Neske, G. and Kettaing, E., ed. Antwort: Martin Heidegger im Gesprach. Pfulligen: Neske, 1988, p 152-156). In Critical Inquiry 15(2):427~430 Winta 1989. Also in Neske, Gunther and Kettaing, Emil, eds. Martin Heidegger and National Socialism: Questions and Answers. New York: Paragon House, 1990 (entitled “Superficiality and Ignorance: On Victor Farias’ Publication”)
“Between Nature and Art (“Zwischen Natur und Kunst” in Hahn, Peter and Jacob, Wolfgang, eds. Viktor von Weizsacker zum 100. Geburtstag. Berlin: Springer, 1987, 45-50). In The Enigma of Health: The Art of Healing in a Scientific Age, 83-90.
“Bodily Experience and The Limits of Objectification” (“Leiberfahrung und Objektivierbarkeit” in Festschrift aus Anlab der Verleihung des Dr. Margit Egner-Preises 1986. [np] D. Margit Engner Foundation, 1986, p33-43) in The Enigma of Health: The Art of Healing in a Scientific Age, 1996, 70-82.
“A Classical Text—A Hermeneutic Challenge” in Review de l’Université d’Ottawa 50(3/4):637-642 July/October 1980) in Kresic, Stephanus, ed. Contemporary Literary Hermeneutics and Interpretation of Classic Texts. Ottowa: University of Ottowa Press, 1981, 327-332.
“The Conflict of Interpretations (discussion with Paul Ricoeur)” in Bruzina, Ronald and Wilshire, Bruce, eds. Phenomenology: Dialogues and Bridges. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1982, 229-320.
“Culture and Media” (“Kultur und Medien” in Gadamer, H.-G. and Pflug, G., eds. Kultur und Medien. Hamburg: Freie Akademie der Kunste, 1989, p4-19) in Honneth, Axel, ed. Cultural-Political Interventions in the Unfinished Project of Enlightenment. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1992, 172-188.
“Culture and Words: From the Point of View of Philosophy” (“Die Kultur und das Wort”) in Universitas 24(3):179-188 1982, in Hermeneutics and the Poetic Motion. Binghamton: Center for Research in Translation, State University of New York, Binghamton, 1990, 1-23.
“Dialogues in Capri” in Jacques Derrida and Gianni Vattimo, eds. Religion. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988. 200-211.
“The Diversity of Europe: Inheritence and Future” in Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education, Poetry and History: Applied Hermeneutics, 221-236.
“The Expressive Power of Language: On The Function of Rhetoric for Knowledge” (“Die Ausdruckskraft der Sprache”, Jahrbuch der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung 1979, p45-55) in PMLA: Publications Of The Modern Language Association Of America 107(2):348-352 March 1992 in Praise of Theory, 123-134.
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“Good German” in Praise of Theory: Speeches and Essays, 135-142.
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“Hermeneutics and Psychiatry” (lecture to the Conference of Psychiatrists in San Francisco, 1989) in The Enigma of Health: The Art of Healing in a Scientific Age, 163-174.
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“The Hermeneutics of Suspicion” in Man and World 17(3/4):313-323 1984 in Shapiro, Gary and Sica, Alan, eds., Hermeneutics: Questions and Prospects, pp.??.
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“Life and Soul” (lecture given at the University of Zurich, Summer 1986) in The Enigma of Health: The Art of Healing in a Scientific Age, 141-150.
“The Limitations of the Expert” (“Die Grenzen des Experten” in Schlechta, X., ed Neuntes Darmstadler Gesprach. Der Mensch und seine Zukunft. Dannstadt: [np] 1967, p 160-168) in Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education. Poetry and History: Applied Hermeneutics, 181-192.
“Natural Science and Hermeneutics: the Concept of Nature in Ancient Philosophy” (“Naturwissenschaft und Hermeneutik” in Werner, Arno, ed. Filosofi och Kultur. Lund: Filosoficierkein, 1986) in Proceedings Of The Boston Area Colloquium In Ancient Philosophy 1:39-52 1985.
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“On the Origins of Philosophical Hermeneutics” (Pongratz, Ludwig, ed. Philosophie in Selbstdarstellunzen. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 1977, p60-101) in Philosophical Apprenticeships, 177-194.
“On the Philosophical Element in the Sciences and the Scientific Character of Philosophy” (“Über das Philosophische in den Wissenschaflen und die Wissenschaftlichkeit der Philosophie” in Vernunt im Zeitalter der Wissenschaft 1976, p7-31) in Reason in the Age of Science, 1-20.
“The Ontological Foundation of the Occasional and The Decorative” in Leach, Neil, ed. Rethinking Architecture: A Reader in Cultural Theory. New York: Routledge, 1997, 126-138.
“The Philosophical Hermeneutic” in Studies in Religion 5(1):3-13 1975/76.
“Philosophising in Opposition: Strauss and Voegelin on Communication and Science” in Emberley, P. and Cooper, B., eds. Faith and Political Philosophy: The Correspondence between Leo Strauss and Eric Voegelin 1934-1964. University Purk: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993, 429-459.
“Philosophy and Practical Medicine” (in Zappe, Helmut and Manern, Hansiakob, eds. Das Philosophische und die Praktische Medizin. Berlin: [np] 1990, p37-44) in The Enigma of Health: The Art of Healing in a Scientific Age, 1996, 92-102.
“Philosophy as Common Human Engagement” in Lectures on Philosophical Hermeneutics 1984, p.11-17 Philosophy or Theory of Science (1974) (“Philosophie oder Wissenschaftstheorie?” in Holzhey, H., ed. Interdisziplinare Arbeit und Wisssenshcaftstheorie. part 1. Stuttgart: Schwabe, 1974, p89-104) in Reason in the Age of Science, 151-170.
“The Power of Reason” (“Über die Macht der Vernunft”, Wissenschaft und Welthild 22(1): 1-8 1969) in Man and World 3:5-15 Feburary 1970.
“Practical Philosophy as a Model of The Human Sciences” in Research In Phenomenology 9:74-85 1979.
“The Problem of Historical Consciousness” (lecture delivered at Louvain, 1957) in Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 5(1):1-51 Fall 1975 in Rabinow, Paul and Sullivan, William eds. Interpretive Social Science: A Second Look. Berkeley: University of California Prcss, 1987.
“Religious and Poetical Speech” in Olson, Alan and Rouner, Leroy, eds. Myth, Symbol and Reality. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1980, 86-98.
“Reply to Nicholas R. White” in Griswold, C., Jr., ed. Platonic Writings – Platonic Readings. London: Routledge, 1988
“Reply to Jacques Derrida” in Michelfelder, Diane und Palmer, Richard, eds. Dialogue und Deconstruction: The Gadamer-Derrida Encounter. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989 p55-57
“Science and the Public” (“Wissenschaft und Offenlichkeit”, Diagnostik 10(4):770-774 October 1977) in Universitas 23(3):161-168 1981.
“Treatment and Dialogue” (lecture to a conference on the work of Prince Alfred Auerspag, September 1989 in Oettigen) in The Enigma of Health: The Art of Healing in a Scientific Age, 125-140.
“Under the Shadow of Nihilsm” (1987) (“Celans Schlubgediht” in Colin, A., ed. Argumentum e Silantio. Berlin: W. de Gruyta, p58-71) in Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education, Poetry and History: Applied Hermeneutics, 111-124.
“The Universality of the Hermeneutical Problem” in Lectures on Philosophical Hermeneutics, 2-10.
“The University of Leipzig, 1409 19S9: A Former Rector Commemorates The 550th Anniversary of Its Founding” (“Rede auf die Universitat Leipzig”, Ruperto-Carola 12(27):203-213 1960) in Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education. Poetry and History: Applied Hermeneutics, 23-36.
“From Word to Concept” in The Gadamer Reader, 108-122.
Hans-Georg Gadamer, “Education is Self-Education,” Journal of Philosophy of Education 35, no. 4 (2001) 529-538.
,An den Grenzen der Wissenschaft: zum Konzept einer globalen Hermeneutik’ in Beiträge zur Interpretationsästhetik und zur Hermeneutik-Diskussion, Claus Bockmaier ed. (Laaber : Laaber Verlag, 2009) S. 21-35.
Interview (with Gerwin Zohlen) in Domus 670:17-28 March 1986.
Interview (with Klaus Dsvi) in Flash Art 136:78-80 October 1987 in Art and Philosophy. Milan: G. Politi, 1991.
Interview (with Roy Boyne) in Theory, Culture And Society 5:25-34 1988.
Interview (with Giacinto Di Pietrantonio) in Flash Art 165:143-144 Summer 1992.
Interview: A Conversation with Hans-Georg Gadamer (with Michael Baur) in Method 8(1):1-13 March 1990.
Interview: A Conversation with Hans-Georg Gadamer (with Alfons Grieder) in Journal Of The British Society For Phenomenology 26(2):116-126 May 1995.
Interview: Gadamer on Strauss (with E. Fonin) in Interpretation 12(1): 1 – 13 1984.
Interview: Historicism and Romanticism (1992) in Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education. Poetry and History: Applied Hermeneutics, 125-134.
Interview: Some Dimensions of the Universality of Philosophical Hermeneutics (with Thomas Punthum) in Journal Of The Indian Council For Philosophical Research 9(3):123-135 May/August 1992.
Interview: The German University and German Politics: The Case of Heidegger (1992) in Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education. Poetry and History: Applied Hermeneutics, 3-14.
Interview: The 1920s, the 1930s and The Present: National Socialsim, German History and German Culture (1992) in Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education. Poetry and History: Applied Hermeneutics, 135-154.
Interview: Without Poets There is No Philosophy (with Christine Gehron and Jonathan Ree) in Radical Philosophy 69: 27-35 January 1995.
Interview: Writing and The Living Voice (1992) in Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education. Poetry and History: Applied Hermeneutics, 62-72.
Letter to Bernstein, in Richard Bernstein Beyond Objectivisim and Relativism (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania press, 1983) 261-5.
Letter to Dallmayr, in Michelfelder, Diane und Palmer, Richard, eds. Dialogue und Deconstruction: The Gadamer-Derrida Encounter (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989).
“Correspondence Concerning “Wahrheit und Methode” (with Leo Strauss)” in Independent Journal Of Philosophy 2: 5-12 1978, 93-101.