CFP: Gadamer and the Impact of Hermeneutics (due Feb. 15, 2022)

This CFA/CFP was originally posted on Philevents. I am reposting here, as this will likely be of interest to our readers.

CFA/CFP: Gadamer and the Impact of Hermeneutics

Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics is preparing a special issue on the the occasion of the 20th death anniversary of Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900-2002). Of special interest are new elaborations or critical discussions dealing with the main topics of Gadamer’s Philosophy. Such topics include:

  • The Sources of Hermeneutics
  • Historical and Hermeneutical Consciousness
  • Hermeneutics as Praxis: Ethical and Political Implications
  • Hermeneutics and Phenomenology
  • Hermeneutics and Critical Theory
  • Hermeneutics, Destruction and Deconstruction
  • The changing Notions of Art and the Truth of Art
  • Feminist Readings on Gadamer and Hermeneutics
  • Hermeneutics and Intercultural Dialogue
  • New Paths and Applications of Hermeneutics

Researchers working in the field of Gadamerian Philosophy and/or Hermeneutics are invited to submit a brief abstract until the 15 of February 2022 with a brief biograhic information including name, academic affiliation, and main publications.

Authors who have already a finished unpublished paper are welcome to submit it within the abstract in order to help the peer review and the publishing process. Papers in their final form, i.e. proof read, formatted according to the journal guidelines, and print ready, should be submitted no later than the 24 of July 2022.

As a multilingual Journal Labyrinth accepts papers in English, French, and German. For more information about the journal policies and the submission’s guidelines please visit:

All abstracts and papers should be sent to labyrinth [at]
